This Life Cambodia NGO September 23, 2019 THIS LIFE CAMBODIA SIEM REAP NGO A super brief introduction and snapshot to the wonderful programs within This Life Cambodia. Mission Impact Video FAQs THIS LIFE CAMBODIA SIEM REAP NGO A super brief introduction and snapshot to the wonderful programs within This Life Cambodia. Mission Impact Videos FAQs This Life Cambodia and Social Cycles We’re proud to connect with This Life Cambodia and allow socially conscious travellers the opportunity to learn more about This Life Cambodia. Social Cycles believes that the best way to truly understand a country and it’s culture is to simply ask questions to local experts. Museums and monuments can tell you about yesterday, but only people from organizations like This Life Cambodia can tell you what tomorrow looks like. Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on email What challenges are TLC trying to solve? TLC listens to Cambodian children, families and communities, working collaboratively and creatively alongside them to overcome the challenges they identify and build the brighter future they determine. These challenges are multiple and complex, including systemic poverty, difficulties in accessing education, crime, drugs, migrant working and domestic violence. History: How and why TLC began... Started by Billy Gorter in 2007, TLC began with the act of listening. Billy had considerable experience working with Cambodian communities, and listened to a group of people explain the exact problems they faced and exact ways they would solve them, if only they had the right skills and resources. TLC was born and continues to operate under the same principles of listening to communities and working with them to create change, whether in the education system, criminal justice system or within communities themselves. Impact: 5 Key Facts Has helped prevent 3,883 children from dropping out before reaching high schoolHas reduced re-offending among juvenile prisoners they support from 60% to 2%Has supported 200 families in crisis to stay togetherHas provided educational support to 142 children whose parents are imprisonedHas provided 4,480 women with information and support on domestic violence The videos that explain everything Fast Facts Most frequent questions and answers What programs do you run? This Life Beyond Bars, This Life in Family, This Life Reuniting Families, This Life in Community, This Life without Violence and School Development Program. How big is the NGO? Approximately 90 people work there, based in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. How are you funded? 78% grants, 10% individual, corporate and related giving, 12% social enterprise and other. What difference would a US$150 donation make? $150 could buy bicycles for three children who live too far from their school to walk, giving them the chance of an education and a future, or buy 30 textbooks for a library providing learning for years to come What difference would US$1000 make? $1,000 could create an open air library, a calm space for learning for hundreds of children, or pay a social worker for 2 months, able to provide support and advice to hundreds of families in crisis. Connect Directly to This Life Cambodia Website Donate Page Facebook Email Share this story Share on facebook Facebook Share on whatsapp WhatsApp Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on google Google+ Share on stumbleupon StumbleUpon Share on email Email Got a question? Get in touch Name Email Message Send Related reading Top things to do in Siem Reap Read More » Top things to do in Phnom Penh, Cambodia Read More » Send me the Cambodia itinerary Name Email Please send me the itinerary! Your privacy is safe. We do not use emails for spam. Brett Seychell +61 479 108 222 [email protected] Hub, 696 Bourke St, Melbourne 3000 about us How we started Our purpose Your donations Responsible travel Meet the team NGO partners Private adventures Corporate teams Self guided destnations Cambodia Laos Iran Samoa Vietnam Mongolia Colombia connect Name Email Let's stay in touch Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Youtube responsibletravel recommends Social Cycles Brett Seychell +61 479 108 222 [email protected] Hub, 696 Bourke St, Melbourne 3000 connect Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Youtube Name Email Let's stay in touch!